Outdoor Makeover & Living Spaces

Letter from the CEO, Navid Derakhshan:

To Our Clients,

Outdoor Makeover & Living Spaces has undergone a remarkable evolution in the past few years as we’ve pursued our vision to become an industry leader. But one of the most profound changes has been the richer understanding of—and deeper commitment to—sustainability that has come into focus as we have refined our views of what it means to be a leader.

We are built around five equally strong commitments: integrity, continuous improvement, elevating the client experience, embracing change, and teamwork. Outdoor Makeover & Living Spaces’ leadership vision brings together what we believe are the essential prerequisites for maintaining our company’s long-term health and growth.

More evident than ever is that we cannot achieve success if we pursue these goals independently. Instead, success requires consistently working to achieve our goals through integrated initiatives that prioritize moving us forward simultaneously on multiple fronts and managing our total impact as an enterprise.

This balance and integration are the core of our sustainability commitment—indispensable to realizing the aspirations reflected in our company vision.

As a leading company in an industry whose actions have far-reaching implications for the environment and in the communities we operate, our clients expect us to conduct our business responsibly.

Sustainability considerations are now among the most influential factors defining the playing field within our industry. Many of the most critical opportunities to grow our company lies in solving key sustainability challenges. This reality is making sustainability a competitive imperative.

Our goal is to acquire a fully electric fleet of hand tools and small machinery by 2030. We will hold ourselves accountable for continuously improving our refuse recycling plan, reducing our overall waste by 60%. Through our engagement and strategic partnerships, such as with LifeCycle and other vendors who also emphasize greater sustainability, we believe these objectives provide a clear line of sight to our progress toward our vision and success.

As part of this process, our sustainability commitment is helping us to agree on priorities, identify fundamental challenges and opportunities, and allocate resources to our initiatives. It is helping us make better informed, strategic decisions. And it ensures the costs and benefits of our choices are clear and transparent across the various parts of our operations.

Our team is excited about these initiatives and those we expect to follow in the future, just as we are proud of the many accomplishments already achieved.

This kind of open engagement is vital to our overall sustainability commitment. We owe credit to many who have helped us achieve these results through their direct engagement or the constructive feedback we rely on them to provide us. We look forward to working with a broad and diverse range of partners.

Outdoor Makeover & Living Spaces will continue striving toward its vision of industry leadership and sustainability goals in the years ahead. As we do, you have our commitment that we will be working to extend our performance in areas where results are already strong while diligently addressing those aspects of our performance in which we see the most significant opportunities for improvement.

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Navid Derakhshan

CEO, Outdoor Makeover & Living Spaces

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Outdoor Makeover & Living Spaces is properly insured, has workman’s comp insurance, and holds a General Contractor’s license for decks, pools and roofs.