Everyone has their own personal dream backyard. It differs for everyone but everyone has a vision for how they want their outdoor living space to look. Many people, however, may not have as large of a backyard as their ideal vision allows. While having a small backyard may seem like an obstacle to executing your […]
Just because the weather outside is cooling off and the winter season is approaching, it doesn’t mean that now is the time to quit doing yardwork or forget about the landscape. In fact, wintertime is the perfect time to sit back and decide what your next outdoor makeover projects will be. After all, if you […]
The use of boulders in the backyard will really enhance a landscaping. Landscaping with boulders will bring an element that only nature does best, but Outdoor Makeover can match. By installing a proper size and shape of boulder within perennials and annuals gardens, your garden offers more than just one element. By mixing boulders in […]
The landscape layout of outdoor gardens has definitely evolved over the years. What used to be a few choice breeds of flowers in a flower bed has blossomed no pun intended) to include various styles of outdoor architecture, including hardscaping and outdoor construction. To help you in creating a modern garden, here are some great […]
Summer is just around the corner and that means the kids are out of school, there’s no homework, and friends will be coming over to play (for parents and kids alike). With the scorching Atlanta heat during the day and the cool star filled nights, families are going to want plenty of outdoor activities to […]
April is just around the corner, and for all outdoor enthusiasts, it’s the perfect time for gardening and landscaping activities to flourish! The sun is no longer shrouded by dark clouds and the weather is perfect for growing your favorite flowers or vegetables. Many hobby gardeners begin planning their dream garden months in advance to […]
Everyone makes New Year’s Resolutions. Whether we like the idea or not, everyone likes to think of the new year as a clean slate, and it’s understandable why. We spend the year thinking about all of the things in our life that we want to change, whether it’s our diet, our work habits, or how […]
When it comes to outdoor landscape designs, there’s a feature that has always been a favorite amongst outdoor designers: the water feature. Water features such as fountains have been a commonly used aesthetic throughout history. Some of the most ornate architectural designs around the world have some sort of water feature attached: The Taj Mahal […]
What is your favorite time of the year? Is it spring when all the flowers are starting to poke their heads through the earth and the trees are beginning to wear their new coats? Perhaps it is summer when the weather is perfect for outdoor entertainment, long sunny days, warm sultry nights and yard parties. […]
Now that the busyness of summer and fall are behind you, and Christmas is looming, it may seem strange to be thinking about lawn care or landscaping. However, this is the best time of the year to prepare your yard for all the great plans you have for the year ahead. Even better, by making […]