Pavers or Stone: A Tough Decision

Outdoor Makeover : Pavers or Stone: A Tough Decision

When you start dreaming about a new landscape design, chances are you gave a great deal of consideration to the features you wanted to see. Those aspects might include the seating area, whether or not to have a fire feature, and of course, some type of ‘flooring’ to pull it all together. But when it comes to that ‘flooring” it can be tough to decide whether to opt for pavers or stone. Each of these options – pavers or stone- are both beautiful and known for their longevity. So, you might be asking if one material is better than the other?

Pavers or Stone? That is the Question


  • Pros: Typically made from concrete and of a rectangular or square shape, pavers come in a wide range of colors. This means you can create a custom look utilizing a variety of shades. They can be easily customized to suit your specific design needs and can be installed in virtually any pattern. In terms of maintenance and longevity, they can withstand extreme heat as well significant cold. They do require being cleaned off with a pressure sprayer from periodically. In addition, should they be damaged, they can be replaced simply by removing the damaged section and placing in new ones.
  • Cons: Pavers – especially concrete ones- can often be more pricey than other types as it requires more grading and backfilling. They can also crack, though this is rare, due to settling or shifting of the soil.


  • Pros: Perhaps the favorite feature of stone landscaping is that it is natural, thus adding a unique and timeless look to any structure in which it is used. They are strong and will retain the natural variations of color and texture. Better yet, they do not require any serious maintenance work, other than occasionally sweeping. In the event one is damaged, they can be replaced, though it can a bit more to find a replacement stone.
  • Cons: Keep in mind that because it is natural, your stone flooring will change in color. In addition, some stones are more inclined to retain heat, so would not be recommended for use around a pool. For the budget conscious, stones can also be a larger investment – but with an equally high ROI- than pavers. Both options are a great way to add more dimension to your outdoor makeover or new landscape design. It really just comes down to what you wish to invest in and the overall look you want to achieve for your yard. If you are uncertain as to whether to choose pavers or stone, talk to one of the Outdoor Makeover & Construction team members. We will be happy to help you make a decision that meets all your needs.

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