Tips For Maintaining Your Garden

Outdoor Makeover: Best Ideas to Maintain Modern A Garden in Atlanta

The landscape layout of outdoor gardens has definitely evolved over the years. What used to be a few choice breeds of flowers in a flower bed has blossomed no pun intended) to include various styles of outdoor architecture, including hardscaping and outdoor construction. To help you in creating a modern garden, here are some great ways for an Atlanta homeowner to keep their garden as up to date as possible.

  1. Update Your Lighting: Having the right lighting can do wonders for your outdoor living space. Long gone are the days where flood lights ruled the backyard landscape world. Many homeowners opt for strands of lights to have hanging throughout their backyard or front yard area which can create a fun and enjoyable atmosphere. However, adjustable lighting has become one of the more popular options for indoor and outdoor settings in the past ten years and helps create the perfect mood for all occasions. Whether it’s a barbecue or an evening by the pool, your contractor should be able to provide you with the proper lighting for any event.
  2. Water Feature: Water features have also gone through a glamorous makeover in the outdoor design world. It used to be the term “water feature” brought the image of an ornate fountain to mind. While fountains are still popular (and also an excellent choice of water feature), homeowners have more options available in today’s age. Japanese water gardens and ponds bring a tranquil aesthetic to your outdoor landscape. A reflecting pool can even open up your outdoor space making it appear larger.
  3. Incorporation of Stone: The incorporation of stone into landscape design is not new but finding innovative ways to incorporate the medium into your outdoor living area has definitely expanded. Stone can be the base for your patio, a garden walkway, or a fire pit, placing stone into your landscape can add a level of refinement that your neighbors and friends can enjoy. No matter what elements to landscape design that you wish to add to your outdoor living space, our Atlanta designers at Outdoor Makeover and Construction are skilled to help you with all of your landscape needs.

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